Overview of Quista Pro
Quista Pro is the patent product of Himalaya company. It contains the blend of high-quality protein, herbal and several other essential nutrients. Himalaya Quista Pro is recommended by many experts due to the availability of natural ingredients which doesn’t have any significant side effects as reported. It can be used to enhance the training performance and boosting the metabolism for best results. It is recommended to store it in a cool or dry place with no direct sunlight. Keep it out of children reach. You can purchase it through the online or nearby store at a nominal cost.
Ingredients of Quista Pro
Quista Pro contains the blend of numerous ingredients such as Whey protein(concentrate, Isolate, and hydrolysate), Ashwagandha, Hadjod, Pomegranate, Taurine, Vitamins, and Minerals. We have specified the per 100-gram ingredients composition in Quista Pro.
Ingredients | Quantity |
Energy | 130 Kcal |
Protein | 22 gram |
Carbohydrate | 8.5 gram |
Fat | 0.85 gram |
Calcium | 151 mg |
Taurine | 17.0 mg |
Vitamin C | 10.2 mg |
Vitamin E | 1.8 mg |
Vitamin B5 | 0.58 mg |
Vitamin B6 | 0.26 mg |
Vitamin B1 | 0.20 mg |
**Above mentioned ingredient may vary from the actual product.
Health benefits of Quista Pro
Quista Pro has numerous health benefitsas reported in the recent studies due to the composition of natural ingredients. We have specified some of the best-reported health benefits underneath:
- Muscle Recovery – We all know that during the workout muscle gets ruptured due to the intensity of the training on muscles however, quista pro has shown tremendous results in boosting the recovery of the ruptured or damaged muscle in an appropriate time or span. You can use it as a post-workout supplement for best results
- Muscle Mass – Several factors plays the key role in developing and enhancing the muscle mass process such as protein, amino acids, and essential nutrients which can be procured by consuming Quista pro regularly or as recommended by the expert. To increase the muscle mass you should consume quista pro with milk for best significant results
- Analgesic – Himalaya Quista Pro contains the analgesic properties which help in reducing the pain in joints, bones, and muscles naturally due to the availability of Ashwagandha ingredient which is being used in the ayurvedic medicines to relieve the pain
- Energy Booster – Recent studies suggest that individuals who consumed quista pro regularly have shown outstanding performance in the training. It contains the blend of several ingredients which enhance the energy level and improve the training performance
- Essential Nutrients – It contains the essential amino acids which boost the recovery of the damaged connecting and muscle tissues. You can use it to have high-quality BCAA and other essential nutrients
Side effects of Quista Pro
Quista Pro is safe and well tolerated by the individuals however, overdosage or intolerance to any of the ingredient can lead to a severe health problem. It is not suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding females due to the strong composition however, you can consult a specialist for the advice. We have specified some of the reported side effects post consuming Himalaya Quista Pro underneath:
- Indigestion
- Diarrhea
- Nausea
- Palpitation
- Itching especially around the neck and belly
- Bloating
- Redness
- Blisters(Extreme)
- Loss of appetite
- Weight gain or loss
- Loss of sexual desire
- Hypertension
- Fatigue
- Mood swings
Note: It is recommended to discontinue the use immediately if you observe any of the above-mentioned symptoms.
Dosage of Quista Pro
Quista Pro dosage depends upon several factors such as age, height, weight, gender, and motive that is weight gain or loss program. It is recommended to consult an expert for the dosage advice however, we have specified the general dosage underneath:
- 1 – 2 scoops twice a day
- With milk or room temperature water
- Before or after meals
- It can be consumed pre and post workout for best results
Note: Maximum allowed dosage is 4 scoops in a day and if you are consuming it with milk then take precautions as you may gain weight due to the composition present in it.
Buy Quista Pro
To buy Himalaya Quista Pro click on the link mentioned below:
Disclaimer : Nothing in this article is to be construed as medical advice, nor it is intended to replace the recommendations of a medical professional. For specific questions, please consult a specialist for the advice.
Sandeep Shroff
It is being to understand that the product Himalaya Quista Pro contain Dextrose , which is a form of sugar.
#Consumption of this powder may cause rise in blood sugar level which may cause Diabetic condition for a person who is 50 +.
Could you please give some information on this.
Editorial Team
Do you have any prediabetic symptoms?