Author: Editorial Team

Overview of Orange Orange is a kind of berry round, segmented citrus fruit with a pitted peel. The taste can vary from juicy and sweet to bitter. The orange tree can grow up to 30 feet and live for over a hundred years. Around 20% of the aggregate harvest of oranges is sold as the […]
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Overview of Tricep Training The Tricep is the large muscle mass than the biceps, and it needs training from more angles. Tricep training will make your arms look big, massive, and impressive even if it is not flexed. The triceps brachii is a substantial, three-headed muscle of the upper arm, comprising of the long head […]
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Overview of Zucchini Are you fed up of eating green vegetables? then Zucchini is for you. It will not only fulfill your daily nourishment but it has numerous health benefits as reported in various studies. Zucchini is a member of the gourd family and is easily available during the summertime. It grows in bushy plants […]
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Overview of Pomegranate The origin of pomegranate is said to be thousands of year back in Egypt. It is also known as Punica granatum. Pomegranate tree grows to a 12 -16 feet height and mostly cultivated in locations with tropical or warm temperate climates. This fruit grows on a shrub and is drought tolerant. They are […]
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Overview of Garlic Garlic is a key source of phytochemicals known as allylic sulfide. It has a long strong reputation as an edible product that can help improve many common ailments such as common cold, cough, lowering blood pressure, intestinal issues, fighting heart ailment, and colon cancer as it contains the key element Allicin which […]
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Overview The biceps anatomy incorporates the biceps brachii and the brachialis. The two heads (i.e. particular accumulations of muscle filaments) of the biceps anatomy shift long, thus they are known as the short and long biceps heads. The biceps is joined to the arm bones by intense connective tissues called ligaments. The ligaments that interface […]
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