Author: Editorial Team

12 Home remedies to boost breast milk for a healthy baby and mom

All mothers at some point make a decision about whether to breastfeed or formula feed their infant. It is generally acknowledged within the medical community that breast milk is the ideal first food for babies. Find out the benefits and natural remedies to boost breastfeeding in this article: Overview of Breast Milk Breastfeeding is the […]

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How to Lose Extra Pounds with Apple Cider Vinegar and its usage?

If you are planning to lose weight this article is perfect for you. Apple Cider Vinegar is the answer to all your questions for losing weight naturally. Let’s identify the benefits and how can we use apple cider vinegar for best results. Overview of Apple Cider Vinegar It is made by crushing apples and squeezing […]

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Moon Milk a wonder drink! just before bedtime for a healthy lifestyle

Growing up, most of us were either cajoled or forced to gulp down a glassful of milk before going to bed to sleep better. Now, tonnes of sleeping aids are available – from pills to ambient music – but the wellness industry is going back to moon milk for healthy life. This article will provide […]

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Sore Throat: Overview, symptoms, causes, and 10 Natural remedies

A sore throat can be a major agony in the uh… throat. Like squinting, we never see the amount we swallow to the point when we begin focusing on it, and when it harms you will do whatever it takes to soothe yourself from the pain. Overview of Sore Throat A sore throat can be […]

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10 Natural Catholicon to prevent Bed Wetting in children and it’s causes

Overview of Bed Wetting Bed wetting, or nocturnal enuresis, refers to the unintentional passage of urine during sleep. Enuresis is the medical term for wetting, whether in the clothing during the day or in bed at night. Some children suffer from bed-wetting at night. Fear, lack of confidence and other psychological factors contribute a great […]

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Pimple: Overview, Symptoms, Causes, and 12 Natural Remedies to cure it

Pimple form a hot topic of discussion in any college-campus or teenage parties and gatherings. With beauty consciousness on the rise in the wake of any country producing international beauty queens year after year, these teenagers try moving heaven and earth to get rid of those pimples. These are a natural part of growing up […]

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