Author: Editorial Team

“If you think time flies, you haven’t held a plank yesterday.” This article will provide you the overview of plank exercise, the variation you can do, its benefit and precaution when doing it. Overview of Plank Exercise It’s an isometric core strength exercise that includes keeping up a position like a push-up for the greatest […]
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Overview of Marula Oil Marula is indigenous to the miombo woodlands of southern Africa and is medium in size. Marula tree can grow up to 18 m tall and is found mostly in low altitude areas. Fruit, which ripes between December and March, have a light yellow skin, with white flesh inside known as Marula. […]
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Resistance training includes reinforcing and conditioning your muscles by contracting them against an opposing power. Resistance Training Types Resistance training is bifurcated into three types Isometric resistance, isotonic resistance, and isokinetic resistance. Each of them has been specified underneath: Isometric resistance Most common resistance training type is Isometric resistance training program. It includes getting your […]
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Overview of Vitiligo Vitiligo is a disease in which cells of your skin get destroyed especially the pigment cells of the skin. It can be focal and localized to one area or it may affect the different area on the body. The extent and color loss of the vitiligo is unpredictable. Vitiligo may affect the […]
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“Today I will do what other’s won’t, so tomorrow I can do what other’s can’t.” This article will answer you all the question related to strength training Overview of Strength Training Strength Training is a sort of physical exercise work in the lifting of weights such as dumbbells, weight machines, and without weights as well. […]
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Overview of Rear Delt The deltoid is a large, three thick headed triangular muscle which originates from the clavicle and the scapula at the rear of the shoulder and extends down to its insertion in the upper arm. Its function is to rotate and lift the arm. The anterior deltoid lifts the arm to the […]
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