Author: Editorial Team

The brisk walk is not strolling or even walking at a moderate pace. It’s walking faster than both but not as fast as a full run whereas jogging is an activity of running at a steady, gentle pace as a form of physical exercise. The primary aim is to do physical exertion for a better […]
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Overview of Cantaloupe Cantaloupes are commonly known as muskmelons, mush melons, rock melons, and Persian melons. Their high water content helps ward off dehydration and combat the heat while their refreshing taste provides a guilt-free, low maintenance dessert for kids and adults alike. The mildly sweet and juicy flavor of cantaloupe makes it a perfect […]
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Overview Creatine has been recognized as a product that delivers the nutrition for improved strength. Creatine supplements are used to increase size, strength and athletic performance. It is similar to the protein in that it is a nitrogen-containing compound, but is not a true protein. In the nutritional biochemistry world, it is known as a “non-protein” […]
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Overview of Serratus Anterior The dazzling looking lines appearing exactly above your adorable six pack abs are called the serratus anterior muscles. The serratus front is a group of muscles, made up of upper and lower digitations, that starts on the upper eight or nine ribs and embeds on the foremost piece of the average […]
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Overview Crossfit is a high-intensity, constantly varied, functional movement exercise program. Crossfit exercises may even be done completely with no gear or included weights, albeit a few people will utilize weights for specific developments. Crossfit is a type of strength and conditioning workout that uses your own bodyweight for resistance in order to build power […]
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Overview of Surya Namaskar Life exists on Earth due to the light of Sun and we should express gratitude to the Mother Nature by doing Surya Namaskar also known as Sun Salutation. It comprises of 12 poses of yoga which has shown tremendous benefits on mind and soul. Surya Namaskar is recommended to be done […]
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