Author: Editorial Team
Astonishing facts about Balarishta you should know ! Overview of Balarishta Balarishta is an Ayurvedic medicine which has numerous health benefits such as arthritis, spondylosis, sciatica, muscular pain, body weakness, digestion problem, bones, and ligaments problem. It contains the blend of high-quality ingredients that have shown the tremendous results in improving the overall health of the individuals as reported in several studies. Moreover, [...]
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Best home remedies for mouth ulcers you can do ! Home remedies for mouth ulcers Mouth ulcers also known as Canker sores can be cured by home remedies that can be done easily at home. We have specified some of the best home remedies: Turmeric paste Turmeric contains antiseptic, antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties. Since ages, it has been used for healing wounds. You [...]
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Himalaya Reosto facts you should know before using it ! Overview of Himalaya Reosto Himalaya Reosto is the patent product of Himalaya drug company which has numerous benefits especially related to joints, ligaments, and tissue. It contains the blend of high-quality ingredients such as Commiphora wightii, godanti bhasma, vanda Roxburgh, Terminalia arjuna, and other herbs. Reosto is loaded with medicinal properties like anti-inflammatory, analgesic, carminative, [...]
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Himalaya Styplon | Ingredients | Benefits | Side Effects Overview of Himalaya Styplon Himalaya Styplon is an Ayurvedic medicine manufactured by Himalaya drug company which has numerous health benefits such as gum bleeding, hemorrhoids, epistaxis, gynecological bleeding, hematuria, hemoptysis, abdominal uterine bleeding, and other severe bleeding problems as reported in various studies. Moreover, Styplon has several medicinal properties like anti-inflammatory, demulcent, astringent, antioxidant, hemostatic, [...]
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Passion fruit | Health benefits | Side effects | Nutritional facts Overview of Passion fruit Passion fruit belongs to Passiflora family and is native to southern Brazil and northern Argentina, however; it is cultivated across the globe due to the increasing demand in the market. It contains a high amount of nutrition such as vitamin C, vitamin A, fiber, iron, potassium, copper, magnesium, protein, carotenoids, and [...]
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