The biceps anatomy incorporates the biceps brachii and the brachialis. The two heads (i.e. particular accumulations of muscle filaments) of the biceps anatomy shift long, thus they are known as the short and long biceps heads. The biceps is joined to the arm bones by intense connective tissues called ligaments. The ligaments that interface the biceps muscle to the shoulder joint in two spots are known as the proximal biceps ligaments. The ligament that appends the biceps muscle to the lower arm bones (span and ulna) is known as the distal biceps ligament. At the point when the biceps contracts, it pulls the lower arm up and turns it outward.
Biceps Training Techniques
It’s important to learn proper biceps training techniques and plan for best results. We have specified the best Biceps Exercise Techniques underneath:
Standing Barbell Curls
To develop the overall size of the biceps. This is the most basic and popular of biceps training technique.
How to do it: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and grasp the bar with an underhand grip, hands about shoulder width apart. Let the bar hang down at arm’s length in front of you. Curl the bar out and up in a wide area and bring it up as high as you can, with your elbows close to the body and stationary. Keep the arc wide and long rather bringing the bar straight up and making the movement too easy. Fully flex at the top. Lower the weight again, following the same arc and resisting the weight all the way down until your arms are fully extended.
Preacher Curls
To develop the biceps especially the lower end. This biceps training technique is especially good for anyone who has space between the lower biceps and the elbow joint, to help fill in and shape this area.
How to do it: Preacher curls are in even stricter movement than regular barbell curls. Position yourself with your chest against the bench, your arms extending over it. This puts the arms at an angle, which transfers additional stress to the lower area of the muscle. Take hold of a barbell with an underhand grip. Holding your body steady, curl the bar all the way up and then lower it again to full extension, resisting the weight on the way down. You can use E-Z curl bar for this movement, or even use the bench for one-arm dumbbell curls.
Part Curls (21S)
To develop and shape the entire biceps area. This exercise, a combination of partial and full range movements, is a great test of endurance. Because of the combination of 3 sets of 7 repetitions each, this exercise is also known as 21S.
How to do it: From a seated or standing position, take a dumbbell in each hand, holding the weights at arm’s length down at your sides. Curl the weights upward but stop halfway, when your forearms are about parallel to the floor, then lower them again to the starting position. Do 7 repetitions of this movement. Then, without stopping curl the weights all the way up but stop halfway down and do 7 repetitions of this partial movement. At this point, even though exhaustion will be setting in, flush off the set by doing 7 full range dumbbell curls.
Incline Dumbbell Curls
To stretch the biceps and for overall biceps development. This exercise develops mass and its peak at the same time.
How to do it: Sit back on an incline bench holding a dumbbell in each hand. Keeping your elbows well forward throughout the movement, curl the weights forward and up to shoulder level. Lower the weights again, fully under control, and pause at the bottom to keep from using momentum to swing the weights up on the next repetition.
Alternate Dumbbell Curls
To isolate the biceps of each arm, allowing you to concentrate your energy on one arm at a time and to minimize cheating.
How to do it: Stand upright. a dumbbell in each hand hanging at arm’s length. Curl one weight forward and up, holding your elbow steady at your wait and twisting your wrist slightly, bringing the thumb down and little finger up, to get maximum biceps contractions. Curl the weight as high as you can then bring it back down under control through the same arc, simultaneously curling the other weight up so that both dumbells are in motion and twisting the wrist of the other hand as you bring it up. Continue these alternate curls until you have done the required repetitions with both arms.
Concentration Curls
To create maximum height in the biceps, especially the outside of the biceps.
How to do it: In a standing position, bend over slightly and take a dumbbell in one hand. Rest your free arm on your knee or other stationary objects to stabilize yourself. Curl the weight up to the deltoid and without moving the upper arm or the elbow and make certain you don’t all your elbow to rest against your thigh. As you lift, twist the wrist so that the little finger ends up higher than the thumb. Tense the muscle fully at the top of the curl, then lower the weight slowly resisting it all the way down to full extension. At the top of the curl, the biceps are taking the full stress of the weight. Don’t curl the weight to the chest it should be curled to the shoulder.
Alternate Hammer Dumbbell Curl
To develop a stronger grip and more arm strength especially the brachioradialis muscle and brachialis muscle.
How to do it: Stand up with your torso upright and a dumbbell in each hand being held at a manageable distance. The elbows ought to be near the torso. The palms of the hands ought to confront your torso. This will be your beginning position. While holding the upper arm stationary, twist the correct weight forward while getting the biceps as you inhale out. Proceed with the development to the point that your biceps are completely contracted and the dumbbells are at bear level. Hold the contracted position for a second as you press the biceps. Gradually start to take the dumbbells back to the beginning position as you take in.
Benefits of Bicep training
Bicep training can have numerous benefits and we have specified some of the reported benefits underneath:
- Your arms look much stronger with big bicep peak
- Bicep muscles are easy to be pumped as blood flow easily in the muscle
- Do more repetitions to have bigger bicep peak and strength
Precautions/Mistakes of Bicep training
We all do training mistakes and end up injuring bicep muscles while training. We have specified some of the common precautions and mistakes underneath:
- Moving elbows upward while lifting the weights in bicep training
- Involving shoulder muscles to cheat the bicep curls or training
- Avoid heavy weight to increase the strength of the bicep muscles