Overview of Sanjivani Vati Sanjivani Vati is used to treat several health problems such as indigestion, dyspepsia, Asthma, Cancer, hypertension, gastroenteritis, cold, and fever. It improves the blood circulation and reduces the endotoxins in the body which can cause a severe health problem. Sanjivani Vati acts as an energy booster and removes the number of […]
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Overview of Shilajeet Rasayan Vati Shilajeet Rasayan Vati is an ayurvedic medicine containing natural pure shilajeet herb known to treat several health diseases. Its composition helps in improving the blood circulation in the blood vessels, kidney, and semen carrying blood vessels. Shilajeet Rasayan Vati has shown positive results in enhancing the strength and health of […]
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Overview of Sarpagandha Sarpagandha is also known as snakeroot or Rauvolfia Sarpagandha herb. Belongs to the family of Apocyanaceae herb. It is recommended to treat numerous health problems by experts. Sarpagandha is an evergreen shrub grows to a height of 60 cm. The flowers are in white and violet color with oval fleshy tiny fruits. […]
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Disclaimer: Nothing in this article is to be construed as medical advice, nor it is intended to replace the recommendations of a medical professional. For specific questions, please consult a specialist for the advice.
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