Category: Medicines

agasthya rasayanam
Agasthya Rasayanam | Composition | Benefits | Side Effects | Dosage

Overview of Agasthya Rasayanam Agasthya Rasayanam is an Ayurvedic medicine used for the treatment of lung disease and its health. It is recommended for the treatment of numerous upper respiratory tract infection or problems such as a cough, rhinitis, sinus infection, and the common cold. Agasthya Rasayanam contains the antitussive, mucolytic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-allergic, anti-microbial, antioxidant, […]

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thanga paspam
Thanga Paspam | Benefits | Side Effects | Dosage

Overview of Thanga Paspam Thanga Paspam is prepared from gold and is used for the treatment of numerous health problems such as infertility, low libido, coronary diseases, neurological problems, arthritis, and anti-aging. Gold is being used since ages for the treatment and improving the strength in the body. Thanga Paspam contains the pure gold and other elements carried […]

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Chandanasava | Composition | Benefits | Side Effects | Dosage Overview of Chandanasava Chandanasava is an Ayurvedic medicine and is used for the treatment of numerous health problems such as urinary tract infections, burning micturition, pyuria, dysuria, hyperuricemia, kidney stones, cystitis, chronic kidney failures, and gonorrhea. It acts as an anti-bacterial, antilithiatic, lithontriptic, diuretic, antioxidant, cardioprotective, and anti-gout. Chandanasava contains approximately 5% to 10% of [...]
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Drakshasava | Composition | Benefits | Side effects | Dosage

Overview of Drakshasava Drakshasava is an Ayurvedic medicine and contains the self-generated natural 5% to 10% composition of alcohol due to the process of grape fermentation. It is used for the treatment of debility, irritable bowel syndrome, anemia, jaundice, and belching. Drakshasava contains the anti-inflammatory, carminative, and anti-agony properties to provide the relief from the several ailments. […]

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Amritarishta | Composition | Benefits | Side Effects | Dosage

Overview of Amritarishta Amritarishta is an ayurvedic medicine and is used for the treatment of fever and other infectious diseases such as typhoid, puerperal, debility, anemia. It contains the antipyretic, analgesic, adaptogen, antipruritic, antioxidant, hematogenic, and natural detoxifier. Recent studies suggest that it can boost the immunity levels and nourishes the damaged cells for the […]

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Draksharishta Benefits & Side Effects

Overview of Draksharishta Draksharishta is an Ayurvedic medicine used for the treatment of respiratory and intestinal problems. It is being prepared by the formulation of natural compositions to get extract for health benefits. The main Ingredient used in the preparation is raisins or dry grapes and 5-10 percent of self-generated alcohol due to the process of distillation. […]

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