Category: Remedies

Hair fall is one of the most common problems we face today. It is common in both men and women. Lets, understand the causes for hair fall and its remedies. Overview of Hair Fall Hair fall or loss, also known as alopecia or baldness, refers to a loss of hair from part of the head or […]
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Most people have indigestion at some point. Usually, it’s not a sign of anything more serious and you can treat it yourself. Find out the reason for it and cure it with natural remedies. Overview of Indigestion Indigestion also has known as dyspepsia or an upset stomach — is a general term that describes uneasiness […]
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Blemish can ruin one’s appearance resulting in lowering the confidence of a person. To avoid this situation read this article, to find out the overview of blemish, its causes, and remedies for it. Overview of Blemish A dark mark or skin discoloration that makes something imperfect or less beautiful is known as a blemish. It […]
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Testosterone is the key male sex hormone that regulates fertility, muscle mass, fat distribution, and red blood cell production. This article will explore the overview of testosterone, benefits and how to boost it naturally. Overview of Testosterone Testosterone levels generally peak during adolescence and early adulthood. As you get older, your testosterone level gradually declines […]
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