Overview of Deadlift
Deadlift is the best way of training to enhance your weight lifting strength and power. You can perform it by lifting weight attached to a barbell or dumbbells for best results. Its name is derived from the ‘Dead’ means stationary weight on the ground and “Lift” means lifting the weight from the ground for training. There are several positions one can choose to train deadlift technique such as barbell, dumbbell, wide grip, close grip, sumo, and traditional deadlift. It has several benefits as reported by individuals like strengthening your core, glutes, hamstring, lower back, tendons, and ligaments.
Training techniques of Deadlift
Deadlift can be done with variations for more isolation and best results. We have specified some of the best training techniques underneath:
- Romanian Deadlift – Grip the olympian bar at hip level and bend forward keeping your back straight. Slightly, bend your knees and arms straight when going down to the ground level. Bring your position back to starting position and squeeze your glutes by holding this position for 10 seconds
Note: For more isolation, keep your butt back as far as you can when lowering the weight and keep the bar close to your body.
- Trap Bar Deadlift – Add weight plates as per your lifting power and strength in the trap bar. Step inside the trap bar by keeping your feet equidistance from the front and back bar. Grip the handles firmly, now lift the bar to stand straight. Bend forward in Romanian deadlift position but you have to bend your hips in a squat position to get the accurate posture in trap bar else you will lean forward which will lead to an injury
- Snatch Grip Deadlift – Stand straight and shins closer to the bar, grip the olympiad bar firmly width apart from the shoulder. Lift the bar straight and lean forward keeping your back straight(parallel to the ground), keeping your hamstring stiff and knees slightly bend to hold the position appropriately. Bring back your position to the starting position and squeeze your glutes to shape up the glute muscle
Benefits of Deadlift
Deadlift is quite essential for the workout routine and has several benefits as reported. We have specified some of the best-reported benefits underneath:
- Strong Glutes – Biggest muscle in the body is Glutes Maximus and deadlift involves the major part of the muscle while doing it. Better and strong glutes help you gain better endurance, muscle mass, and power to lift more weight
- Trapezius – It helps in developing bigger and stronger trapezius as it stretches the posterior muscle all the way up to the neck. Strong trapezius prevents the injury and makes you look bigger
- Core Strength – You can improve your core strength and posture by lifting heavy weight deadlift as it enhances the core strength and stabilizes the standing posture for better training
- Muscle Training – It involves more muscles than any other training technique which helps in gaining muscle mass and overall strength
- Prevent Injury – The primary reason for any injury is due to the lack of strength in critical tendons and ligaments however, it can be prevented by doing deadlift regularly
- Hormone Booster – As proven, it triggers the essential hormones such as testosterone and growth hormones to gain more muscle mass and strength
Precautions of Deadlift
Deadlift is an essential training technique to enhance your weight lifting strength however, it is recommended to take precautions to avoid any injury. We have specified some of the commonly reported precautions underneath:
- Warm up your body for 10-15 minutes before beginning the workout
- Wear support belt to avoid any lower back injury and muscle spasm
- Do not bend your back in a curve posture as it can lead to injury
- Gradually increase the weight in sets to enhance the lifting strength
- Proper technique is the key to the zenith in a deadlift
Disclaimer: Nothing in this article is to be construed as medical advice, nor it is intended to replace the recommendations of a medical professional. For specific questions, please consult a specialist for the advice.