Overview of Forearms Exercise Technique
The muscles in the lower arms are various and complex. Generally, the forearm is polyarticular muscles. In quality forearm training, you will focus on the accompanying muscles which are Brachioradialis – which flexes the arm when the hand is pronated, wrist flexors – which lift the hand when it is pronated, and wrist extensors – which lift the hand when it is supinated.
Training of Forearm
Forearm training is very crucial to strengthen your arms and weight-lifting capacity. We have specified the best techniques here:
Barbell Wrist Curls
The purpose is to develop the inside of the forearms (Flexor muscles).
How to do it: Take hold of a barbell with an underhand grip. hands close together. Straddle a bench with your forearms resting on the bench but with your wrists and hands hanging over the end, elbow and wrists the same distance apart, elbows and wrists the same distance apart. Lock your knees in against your elbows to stabilize them. Bend your wrists and lower the weight toward the floor. When you can’t lower the bar any farther, carefully open your fingers a little bit and let the weight roll down out of the palms of your hands, contract the forearms, and lift the weight as high as you can without letting your forearms coming up off the bench.
Dumbbell One Arm Wrist Curl
The purpose is to isolate and develop the forearms.
How to do it: Take hold of a dumbbell and sit on a bench. Lean forward and place your forearms on your thigh so that your wrist and the weight extend out over the knee, with your palm and the inside of your forearms facing upward, Bend forward, reach over with your free hand, and take hold of the elbow of the working arm to stabilize it. Bend your wrist and lower the weight as far as possible toward the floor, opening your fingers slightly to let the dumbbell roll down out of your palm. Close your fingers again and, keeping the effort in your wrist, rather than the biceps, curl the weight up as high as you can.
Behind The Back Wrist Curls
The purpose is to develop the flexor muscles of the forearms.
How to do it: Back up to a barbell rack and grasp a bar. Lift it off the rack and hold it down at arm’s length behind you, hands about shoulder width apart, palms facing toward the rear. Keeping your arms steady, open your fingers and let the bar roll down out of your palms. Close your fingers, roll the bar back up into your hands, and then lift it up and back behind you as far as possible, flexing your forearms. Make sure only the wrist moves in this exercises.
Reverse Wrist Curls With Barbell
The purpose is to develop the outside of the forearms(extensor muscles).
How to do it: Grasp a barbell with an overhand grip, hands about 10 inches apart. Lay your forearms on top of your thighs or across a preacher bench so that they are parallel to the floor and your wrists and hands are free and unsupported, Bend your wrists forward and lower the bar as far as you can. Then bring the wrists back up and lift the bar as far as possible, trying not to let the forearms move during the exercise.
Benefits of Forearm Training
Forearm training can provide you with tremendous support and benefits which you are not aware of and we have specified some of the reported benefits underneath:
- Strong forearms muscle can improve the hand grip for the better lifting of weights
- Forearm training doesn’t require much time and energy
- Arms strength and muscle mass can be increased by training forearms muscle
Precautions/Mistakes of Forearm Training
We all do common mistakes while training forearms muscle and we have specified some of the common mistakes and precautions we forget to take underneath:
- Warm up the muscle before training
- Do not train with heavy weight as you will end up cheating the technique
- Hydrating the body is very important especially in the hot climate
- Do not overtrain the muscles for better results