Overview of Orange
Orange is a kind of berry round, segmented citrus fruit with a pitted peel. The taste can vary from juicy and sweet to bitter. The orange tree can grow up to 30 feet and live for over a hundred years. Around 20% of the aggregate harvest of oranges is sold as the entire raw fruit, the rest of utilized as a part of getting ready orange juice, concentrates, and jelly. A single citrus plant can bear as many as 60,000 blossoms, however, just 1% of those blooms will transform into fruit. Oranges are the biggest citrus sharing fruit in the World.
One orange supplies an entire day’s Vitamin C requirement. Eat oranges fresh to maximize flavanone, vitamin C, and folate benefits.
Nutritional Facts of Orange
Orange is the best source of Vitamin C and contains several other nutritional values to provide health benefits. We have specified the nutritional facts per 100 gram underneath:
Ingredients | Quantity |
Calories | 47 |
Total Fats | 0.1 gm |
Cholesterol | 0 mg |
Sodium | 0 mg |
Potassium | 181 mg |
Total Carbohydrate | 12 gm |
Protein | .9 gm |
Vitamin C | 88% |
Calcium | 4% |
Vitamin A | 4% |
Vitamin B-6 | 4% |
Magnesium | 2% |
** Above mentioned nutritional facts is for the reference and cannot be considered as the advice.
Orange Health Benefits
The flavanone hesperidin is an important phytochemical in oranges. Flavanones are mostly found in (Oranges)citrus fruit which has numerous health benefits. Some of the best health benefits have been specified here:
- Reducing Cholesterol Levels – Oranges are a good source of pectin, a soluble fiber with modest effects on lowering cholesterol
- Prevent Breast Cancer – Drinking double-strength orange juice inhibited the growth of breast cancer cells. Hesperidin was identified as an anti-cancer agent but is believed to work with other phytochemicals in orange juice
- Prevent Kidney Diseases – Oranges contain citrate which helps prevent kidney diseases especially kidney stone formation by allowing for more citrate in the urine and decreasing the acidity of urine
- Viral Infection – It helps in flushing out the toxins from the body which in turns helps in curing the viral infection
- Constipation – Oranges are rich in dietary fibers, which stimulates digestive juices and relieves constipation
- Promotes Healthy Skin – Rich in vitamin C which plays a vital role in the formation of collagen, the supportive system of your skin such as damage caused by sun and pollution, reduce wrinkles and improve overall skin texture
- Protect the Eyes – Being a rich source of vitamin A, which along with other bioflavonoid compounds help to protect the eyes from macular degeneration, cataracts, and even blindness due to deterioration of vision
- Boost Sexual Performance – Oranges contains mild aphrodisiac properties which helps in enhancing sexual performance in both males and females
- Boost Immune System – As proven in many research done on oranges that it contains vitamins known to stimulate immune function which helps antibodies and immune cells that need to detect and quickly destroy invading pathogens
- Dental Health – It helps in promoting healthy gums by strengthening the blood vessels and tissues that hold the gums and teeth, and also helps to reduce gum inflammation
- Healthy Hair – It contains constituents that help promote a free flow of blood to the scalp and is effective in maintaining hair volume. So common hair problems like hair thinning and hair loss are prevented
- Manage Asthma – Oranges have the presence of citrus bioflavonoids. These compounds reduce the sensitivity of mast cells to histamine, the trigger that frequently initiates an asthma attack
Side effects of Oranges
Surprisingly oranges do not have any adverse side effects on humans however, it is advisable to take precautions as it contains the high amount of potassium which can damage the kidney functions if consumed in excess and individuals suffering from acid reflux should avoid this due to the composition of natural acidic content in oranges which can aggravate the acidity.
Conclusion – Oranges are safe and well tolerated by individuals. The pregnant and lactating woman can consume a moderate portion of oranges to have health benefits. Even it has shown tremendous results in the wellbeing of children growth and health if consumed regularly.
To buy Orange peel powder follow this link:
ETHERIC Orange Peel Powder, 100g
Disclaimer: Nothing in this article is to be construed as medical advice, nor it is intended to replace the recommendations of a medical professional. For specific questions, please consult a professional for the advice.