tentex forte

Overview of Himalaya Tentex Forte

Himalaya Tentex Forte is a natural herbal composition of ingredients that can do wonders in enhancing your stamina and performance. It is loaded with several beneficial properties such as aphrodisiac, androgenic, antioxidant, adaptogenic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and other essential properties. Have you tried using Viagra and other allopathic medicines to enhance your libido and sexual performance but failed miserably or worried about the side effects then you should try using Himalaya Tentex Forte
regularly or as prescribed by the specialist to enhance the libido naturally. You can face libido and other sexual problems due to several factors such as emotional stress, imbalanced hormones, anxiety, and other health problems but the composition of Tentex forte helps in preventing such factors and improve your performance within few dosages as reported. It has shown tremendous results in boosting the testosterone levels and sperm count which is the key responsible sex hormone present in the human body. Tentex Forte is recommended to be used by adult men who are sexually active and are undergoing some sexual problem. It should not be used to enhance the sexual performance for fun.

You can purchase it through the online or nearby stores at a nominal cost. It is recommended to store it in a cool or dry place with no direct sunlight. Keep it out of children reach and avoid exposing to moist place. Do check the expiry date and other information on the package to avoid any complications.

Ingredients of Himalaya Tentex Forte

Himalaya Tentex Forte contains several ingredients and we have specified the commonly found ingredients in Tentex Forte underneath:

Ingredients Quantity
Hibiscus Abelmoschus – Latha Kasthuri – Ambrette 10 mg
Withania Somnifera – Ashwagandha – Indian Ginseng 81 mg
Argyreia Speciosa – Vriddadaru 32 mg
Mucuna Pruriens – Kapikacchu 32 mg
Crocus Sativus – Kesar – Saffron 25 mg
Strychnos Nux – Vomica – Kuchla 16 mg
Anacyclus Pyrethrum – Akarkara 16 mg
Sida Cordifolia – Bala 16 mg
Bombax Malabaricum – Shalmali 16 mg
Piper Nigrum – Black Pepper 5 mg
Trivang Bhasma 32 mg
Shilajit – Asphaltum 32 mg
Makardhwaj 16 mg
Sida Cordifolia – Bala Q.S
Asparagus Racemosus – Shatavari Q.S
Ipomoea Digitata – Vidari Kanda Q.S
Piper Betle – Betel Leaf Q.S
Withania Somnifera – Ashwagandha Q.S
Tribulus Terrestris Q.S
Tinospora Cordifolia – Guduchi Q.S
Argyreia Speciosa – Vriddadaru Q.S
Acacia Arabica Q.S
Dashamoola Q.S

**Above mentioned ingredients may vary from the actual product.

Health Benefits of Himalaya Tentex Forte

Himalaya Tentex Forte has numerous health benefits as reported in the studies and research. We have specified the best-reported health benefits underneath:

  • Boosting Libido – Tentex Forte contains the androgenic and aphrodisiac properties that help in boosting the libido due to the availability of natural ingredients such as shilajit and other essential nutrients
  • Destress – The primary reason for low sexual performance and desire is the stress or anxiety due to several factors but Tentex forte alleviate the neuronal centers that reduce the stress and anxiety naturally as it contains the herbs and bhasma components
  • Boost Testosterone – Due to the presence of high-quality shilajit and ashwagandha, it boosts the testosterone level in the body that improve the sexual performance and stamina. Mucuna Pruriens plays a vital role in alleviating the testosterone and healthy sperm count production in the body
  • Erectile Dysfunction – Himalaya Tentex Forte contains the Gokshura or Tribulus Terrestris which is being used as the key ingredient in Ayurveda for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. It strengthens the penile tissue and enhances DHEA production in the body which reduce the erectile dysfunction disorder naturally
  • Sperm Count – You can use it to improve sperm production and increase the sperm count which is the primary reason for low fertility and other sexual problems. Tentex Forte is loaded with herbs that can do wonders in lifting your sperm count and other sexual problem
  • Fertility Rate – Makardhwaj has the natural properties of improving the fertility rate and overall strength of the body. Due to the natural compound of mercury, it is being used as the key ingredient in Ayurveda medicine such as Tentex Forte
  • Early Discharge – Several factors can cause this concerning the problem of early discharge but Tentex Forte can be used to increase the orgasmic response and overall sexual performance

**Above mentioned health benefits may vary from individuals and it is recommended to consult a specialist for the advice before using it to avoid any complications and get maximum benefits.

Side effects of Himalaya Tentex Forte

Himalaya Tentex Forte is safe and well tolerated by the individuals as reported in various studies however, overdosage or intolerance to any of the ingredient can lead to a severe health problem. We have specified some of the reported side effects underneath:

  • Toxicity – It contains the high amount of lead, tin, and zinc which can lead to severe toxicity levels in the body if consumed excess. Trivang Bhasma has a metallic formulation or mercury compound that can cause a health problem because of this reason it is recommended to consume Tentex forte under expert supervision only
  • Allergic Reaction – If you are hypersensitive or intolerant to any of the ingredient then you may observe some allergic reaction after consuming Himalaya Tentex Forte such as itching, diarrhea, bloating, vomiting, nausea, palpitation, burning sensation, and abdominal discomfort

Other side effects commonly reported by the individuals have been specified underneath:

  • Indigestion
  • Loss of sexual desire
  • Fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Headache
  • Loss of memory
  • Hypertension
  • Excess sweating
  • Consumed by females
  • Used by below 18 years male

**It is recommended to discontinue the usage immediately if you observe any of the above-mentioned side effects and consult a specialist.

Dosage of Himalaya Tentex Forte

Himalaya Tentex Forte dosage depends upon several factors such as age, height, weight, and severity of the problem however, we have specified the general dosage underneath:

  • Adults can consume 2 tablets
  • Twice a day
  • With lukewarm water or milk
  • Regularly for 4 weeks for best results
  • After meals

Note: Maximum allowed dosage for Tentex Forte is 6 tablets.

Buy Himalaya Tentex Forte

To buy click on the link mentioned below:

Disclaimer: Nothing in this article is to be construed as medical advice, nor it is intended to replace the recommendations of a medical professional. For specific questions, please consult a specialist for the advice.

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5 thoughts on “Himalaya Tentex Forte | Ingredients | Benefits | Side Effects | Dosage

  1. kasahif

    Diabetic can use Tentex Forte and Confido

    January 20, 2019 at 9:59 pm Reply
    • Editorial Team

      Which type of Diabetes do you have?

      January 21, 2019 at 11:22 am Reply
  2. Narasimhan

    I am 68 yrs. Can I use Tentex Forte tabs. If yes, what is the dosage and how long it can be used. I’m not diabetic. BP is normal. If I start using will it have any side effects.

    March 7, 2019 at 6:21 pm Reply
    • Editorial Team

      Can you elaborate the reason for taking Tentex forte medicine?

      March 7, 2019 at 11:05 pm Reply
  3. Deepak Arora

    Can i Take Himalaya Tentex Forte for Premature Ejaculation??
    If yes, what is the dosage and how long it can be used. I’m not diabetic. BP is normal.

    March 8, 2019 at 11:16 am Reply

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