Overview of Patanjali Tejus Tailum
Patanjali Tejus Tailum is a patent product of Patanjali Ayurvedic ltd. The company which contains the blend of nine different oils. It is multi-purpose oil which can be used to treat several health problems naturally either by massaging or applying topical over the skin. The oil is in golden-ish-yellow color and smells really good as it contains the natural fragrance essence in the composition. Patanjali Tejus Tailum oil is easily absorbed in the skin and keeps your skin moisturized even after wash. It provides the essential Vitamins and Minerals to the body for a healthy life.
Composition of Patanjali Tejus Tailum
Patanjali Tejus Tailum oil contains the mixture of nine oils from the extract of natural resources. Its general composition has been specified underneath:
Ingredient | Quantity |
Almond Oil | 0.2 ml |
Olive Oil | 0.6 ml |
Walnut Oil | 0.5 ml |
Sesame Oil | 2.5 ml |
Sun Flower Oil | 2.5 ml |
Soyabean Oil | 1 ml |
Peanut Oil | 0.5 ml |
Mustard Oil | 1.5 ml |
Castor Oil | 0.5 ml |
**Other ingredients include Perfume Q.S and TBHQ Q.S to give extra benefits and fragrance.
Benefits of Patanjali Tejus Tailum
The ayurvedic formulation provides several health benefits and can be used by both men and women. We have specified some of the known benefits underneath:
- Anxiety – You can relieve the stress level by massaging your head and neck with Patanjali Tejus Tailum oil as it provides the essential nutrients which get absorbed in the skin to calm down the stress levels in the body
- Hair & Skin – It nourishes the tissues in the skin and scalp to revive the dead cells or rejuvenate the cells for smooth skin and shinning hair
- Arthritis – Patanjali Tejus Tailum oil improves the blood circulation levels in the body which helps in relaxing the pain and improving the level of synovial fluid in the joints
- Muscle Spasm – Ayurvedic formulation helps in relaxing the muscle spasm as it contains the anti-inflammatory properties to soothe and calm down the stress levels in the muscle
- Skin Dryness – Composition of oils helps in moisturizing the dry and chapped skin naturally by providing the essential nutrients in the skin
- Cancer – Recent studies have shown tremendous results in preventing skin cancer as it provides the essential Vitamins and Minerals in the body to strengthen the cells from an infection or disease
- Wounds – Patanjali Tejus Tailum oil can be used to heal the minor wounds by providing the nourishment in the skin to revive the cells and tissues damaged by the wound
**Above mentioned, benefits can vary from person to person and cannot be considered as statutory advice. We strictly suggest you take expert advice before use.
Side effects of Patanjali Tejus Tailum
Recent studies have reported that Patanjali Tejus Tailum doesn’t have any side effects on humans however, some other studies suggest that consumers have reported skin rashes, discoloration of the skin, hair loss, irritation, inflammation, and itching. Pregnant women and allergic to any of the composition people should avoid using it as they might face some side effects. While using it on children proper guidance should be taken as their skin is very sensitive and any harm can be caused if not taken precautions. Do not consume this oil as it is only for topical or external use only. Do not apply the oil over the fresh wound as it can cause severe irritation or damage to the skin.
How to use Patanjali Tejus Tailum
We have specified the general usage of Patanjali Tejus Tailum oil underneath:
- Take 5 – 10 ml of oil in the hand
- Gently rub your hand, and apply it over the skin or scalp
- Leave it overnight or as advised
- Wash your skin with natural soap or shampoo
- Recommended to use for 4 weeks regularly for best results
Availability of Patanjali Tejus Tailum
Patanjali Tejus Tailum oil is available in a transparent bottle with silver trademark sticker of Patanjali Company. It is available in 60 INR for 100 ml quantity. You can purchase it through online or nearby markets. It expires in 24 months from the date of manufacturing. To buy click on the link mentioned here:
Disclaimer: Nothing in this article is to be construed as medical advice, nor it is intended to replace the recommendations of a medical professional. For specific questions, please consult a specialist for the advice.