Overview of Sciatica
Sciatica is a severe pain that radiates from your lower back through butts and goes down to the legs which can be very discomforting for the individuals as it restricts your movement and triggers other problems. Generally, individual feel it leg cramps initially but it gradually becomes severe shooting pain that makes it difficult for the individual to move or sit. It commonly affects adults in the 20 – 60 years of age due to spinal degeneration which triggers the sciatic nerve pain, however; it can be cured within a few weeks of regular treatment under expert supervision.
Sciatica can be cured by doing complete rest followed by a physical exercise that helps to relax nerve and swollen muscles. You can actually reduce the symptoms of nerve pain within a few weeks, however; few individuals might observe slight abnormal changes in leg, bowel, and bladder that needs a surgical procedure for treatment. It’s recommended consulting an expert to avoid any complications as it should not be ignored and self-medication is discouraged.
Symptoms of Sciatica
Sciatica symptoms vary from mild to severe pain that can occur gradually or sudden depending upon the severity of the ailments, however; we have specified the commonly observed symptoms underneath:
- Lower back pain
- Hip pain
- Burning sensation
- Weakness or numbness of the leg
- Constant pain on one leg
- Tingling sensation
- Sharp prickling sensation butts
**Sciatica pain travels from one position to another so, it should not be confused with other back pain problems.
*It is recommended to consult a specialist for the advice if you observe any of the above-mentioned symptoms.
Causes of Sciatica
Sciatica problem is generally caused due to compression of the nerve due to several factors and we have specified some of the commonly reported causes underneath:
- Lumbar Spinal Stenosis (Narrowing of the open space in the lower spine)
- Lumbar Herniated Disc
- Spondylolisthesis
- Pregnancy
- Heavy vehicle driving
- Prolonged sitting
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Muscle spasm especially in the back or butts
- Piriformis syndrome
- Injury
**Above mentioned causes can trigger sciatica pain, however; it may vary from individuals and should be consulted with the specialist for accurate diagnosis.
Treatment for Sciatica
Sciatica can be treated under the expert guidance, however; we have specified the best-reported treatments underneath:
- Medications – Anti-inflammatories or NSAIDs, Antidepressants, Anti-seizure, and muscle relaxants
- Physical Therapy – Posture, flexibility, walk, swimming, and physiotherapy
- Injectable steroids
- Surgery
** Self-medication is strictly discouraged and should be used under expert supervision to avoid any complications.
Home remedies for Sciatica
Sciatica pain can be cured by following some best home remedies that have shown the positive results if followed regularly, however; results vary from individuals and should be done under expert supervision. We have specified some of the best-reported home remedies underneath:
- Hot and Cold compressor – The best remedy to relieve sciatica pain as the hot compressor will relax the stressed muscles on the other hand cold compressor will help in reducing the inflammation and numbness in the affected area. You can use hot and cold pads available in the market for this remedy. It is recommended to do this activity twice a day for best results
- Ginger – It contains the high amount of medicinal properties such as anti-inflammatory, antidepressants, and other properties that can reduce the sciatic nerve pain if consumed regularly. You can add ginger as an ingredient in several delicacies for its miraculous benefits.
- Turmeric – You can drink moon milk daily before bedtime which has turmeric as the key ingredients that can do wonders in reducing the sciatica symptoms such as inflammation, pain, and numbness due to the anti-inflammatory properties and other medicinal properties
- Fenugreek Seeds – Similarly, fenugreek seeds contains anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce the sciatica symptoms. You can consume roasted fenugreek seeds or make a paste out of it and apply the paste over the affected area to soothe the pain
Buy medicine for Sciatica
To buy Sciatica pain relief oil click on the link mentioned below:
Dr Ortho Oil – 120 ml
Disclaimer: Nothing in this article is to be construed as medical advice, nor it is intended to replace the recommendations of a medical professional. For specific questions, please consult a specialist for the advice.
Hi there! This is a really well written article on exercises for Sciatica pain relief, I actually learned a thing or two and that part where you mentioned Hot and Cold compressor was very effective!
Just wanted to get your opinion on something – I was just reading this review of the sciatica sos course and the man reviewing this program mentions a weird trick to get rid of back pain that I thought was a little strange.
I Would love to know what you think about it and what you think about the course in review..are you familiar with it? Thanks! Can’t wait to hear your reply as I’m thinking about buying the course he recommends.
#Editorial Team
We recommend you to consult a specialist for the advice. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.