Tag: skin

Disclaimer: Nothing in this article is to be construed as medical advice, nor it is intended to replace the recommendations of a medical professional. For specific questions, please consult a specialist for advice.
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Aloe Vera benefits for skin Aloe Vera has numerous benefits for skin as reported in various studies and we have specified some of the best-reported aloe vera benefits for skin underneath: Premature Aging We all know that due to the lifestyle changes we may experience premature aging that can be due to stress, anxiety, workload, […]
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Overview of CICA CICA is the abbreviation of Centella Asiatica and is used in medicinal herbs since ages. You must have tried a lot of beauty products to heal and cure skin damage due to several factors such as aging, eczema, dryness, rosacea, skin reaction due to excess use of beauty product, and allergic reaction. Many […]
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Blemish can ruin one’s appearance resulting in lowering the confidence of a person. To avoid this situation read this article, to find out the overview of blemish, its causes, and remedies for it. Overview of Blemish A dark mark or skin discoloration that makes something imperfect or less beautiful is known as a blemish. It […]
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Pimple form a hot topic of discussion in any college-campus or teenage parties and gatherings. With beauty consciousness on the rise in the wake of any country producing international beauty queens year after year, these teenagers try moving heaven and earth to get rid of those pimples. These are a natural part of growing up […]
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Overview of Vitiligo Vitiligo is a disease in which cells of your skin get destroyed especially the pigment cells of the skin. It can be focal and localized to one area or it may affect the different area on the body. The extent and color loss of the vitiligo is unpredictable. Vitiligo may affect the […]
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